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Alt 03.06.2009, 16:33
Sacrificium Intellectus
Benutzerbild von Riggs
Registriert seit: 13.10.2006
Ort: colonia spa & resort
Beiträge: 9.693

Uns erreichte folgende Neuigkeit:

Some new information that apparently I forgot to mention to you.

We are forced to make some changes (but in the good way) about the bb's as the ECOBIO has not been approved by the government!

So from now on only the following bb's are allowed in Herentals;

* BIOSTAR (can be bought with us)

Hope not too much people bought the ecobio, but they rejected it at this moment so we asked it again with the 3 brands mentioned above.

As for the smokes & grenades, only the ones from ENOLA GAYE are allowed. (can be bought with us)

Hope that it won't change to much, because it is not good thing for us like this....
Denke gerade der zweite Punkt wird unseren Sascha freuen ^^

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
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