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Alt 19.08.2007, 23:29
  post #1
Sacrificium Intellectus
Benutzerbild von Riggs
Registriert seit: 13.10.2006
Ort: colonia spa & resort
Beiträge: 9.693
Standard 25.08.07 Nachtspiel im Valley

25-8-2007 Locatie The Valley.

The Valley at his darkest hour...............

Nightgame van 10.00 tot 1.30+.
Sleep 1.30 till 9.00.
Daygame 26-8-2007 10.00 -17.00.

Price €25 all.(25-8 and 26-8 and sleep).
Price only sunday €15.
Rentkits special price €55 incl everything.


Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
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